Product Code:
2968 (use this code to register your Math Medley Kit)

Math Medley Kit Resources


Your Family Math Night Kit

Working with Students as Station Facilitators

Common Core State Standards Alignment

TEKS Alignment

Standards of Learning Alignment

Hanging Station Banners

Bringing Families to Your Event

Math Medley Forms

Flyer Form (Color)Spanish Version

Flyer Form - without RSVP (Color)Spanish Version

Flyer Form (Black and White)Spanish Version

Flyer Form - without RSVP (Black and White)Spanish Version

Homework Pass (Color)

Homework Pass (Black and White)

Extra Credit (Color)

Extra Credit (Black and White)

Event Sign-in Sheets: Option #1  Option #2

Event Evaluation Forms: Option #1  Option #2

For best results printing the following booklets, print on both sides of paper and 'flip along short edge'.

Parent Participant BookletSpanish Version

For best results printing the following labels, you may need to uncheck the 'Scale to Fit' print option.

Station Facilitator Name Tags (Avery 5163)

Event Reminder Stickers (Avery 5163)

Family Math Night Passports

How to use Passports at your event

8 stations (Color)

8 stations + custom stations (Color)

8 stations (Black and White)

8 stations + custom stations (Black and White)

Station Facilitator Videos

Station Facilitator Video Handouts (for best results print in landscape)

Station Facilitator Welcome Video for Students



In the Bag

It's About Time

Coordinate Graphing


Snails and Trails


Blackline Masters

Coordinator Packet

Math Medley Copies List

Math Medley Event Planning Check-Off Sheet

Math Medley Kit Refill Order Form

Math Medley Supply List

Communications Packet

Note to Staff

Request for Parent Volunteers Letter

Student Station Facilitator Permission Slip - attending training

Student Station Facilitator Permission Slip - online video training

It's About Time Station

Clock Faces Activity Sheet

Clock Angle Measurements Activity Sheet

Coordinate Graphing Station

Picture Plotting - Part 2 Activity Sheet

Snails and Trails Station

Design Your Own Dice Activity Sheet - beginning

Design Your Own Dice Activity Sheet - intermediate

Dice probabilities Activity Sheet

Spinners Station

Design Your Own Spinner Activity Sheet

Spinner Probabilities Activity Sheet