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Category: Media Literacy

Missed Opportunity

Missed Opportunity

I was in Beverly’s the other day buying scraps of fabric for the Money Jars I will be having kids make at an upcoming book signing.  I totally lucked out on the fabric scraps!  The day before, I had gone in to purchase the fabric and was told that I could save a lot of  money by waiting until the next day where I could fill a bag with as much fabric scrap as I wanted for only $2.  So,…

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$100 Jeans

$100 Jeans

I love watching commercials.  Especially with Ryan.  He wants to go into marketing as a career so it’s always fun to critique commercials with him. But last night, Ryan wasn’t with me while I had tuned in the Olympics so John got to hear me get annoyed at the t.v. instead.  It was a Tide commercial and a young girl, about 12 years old, came on and started complaining about not being able to get the $100 pair of jeans she wanted because…

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She Who Dies with the Most Jewels Wins

She Who Dies with the Most Jewels Wins

Has your brain ever been so saturated with thoughts that you render it useless?  That’s what happened to me when I saw a bumper sticker on a car that read, “She who dies with the most jewels wins.”   It evoked so many emotions all I could clearly think was, Ahhhh. When that went away, my next thought was That is precisely the kind of attitude that contributed to all the dark stuff of 2009.  If my kids had been with me,…

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I recently read the book, The Overspent American, and it had an effect on me that, frankly, caught me by surprise.  I get the whole media push for Americans to buy, buy, buy and I’ve been quite smug with myself knowing that I usually do not succumb to their multi-billion dollar advertisements.  Until now. It’s lipstick.  And, specifically, the lipstick tube. The book made it very clear that, although unbelievable differences in retail prices, women’s makeup is pretty much the same…

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It's Just That Easy

It's Just That Easy

Ryan and two of his friends were hanging out the other night.  Earlier in the day before either friend came over, Ryan had been MySpacing one of them about buying baseball cards on ebay.  His friend had bought a Willie Mays card several months ago as an investment.  According to him, it has already increased in value. That’s when Ryan’s little ears perked up.  Ryan is all about investments.  He knows he has time on his side and he’s willing…

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