3 Tips to Practice Addition and Subtraction Facts K-1
Three fun and creative ways to use dice to help kindergartners and first graders practice their addition and subtraction facts. CCSS: K.CC.2; K.OA.1; 1.OA.1; 1.OA.5; 1.OA.6 .
Three fun and creative ways to use dice to help kindergartners and first graders practice their addition and subtraction facts. CCSS: K.CC.2; K.OA.1; 1.OA.1; 1.OA.5; 1.OA.6 .
Students having difficulty reading large numbers? Try this super easy graph paper activity. CCSS: 1.NBT.2; 2.NBT.1
Just finished a unit and want your students to review what they learned? Getting ready for the chapter test? Just want to have fun? Jeopardy is a great way to review and reinforce what students have been learning. This photo shows some of the categories I use in the primary grades. The ones at the bottom show additional categories. Pretty much anything you’ve been learning can work. The students in my classroom are already set up in groups of 4-5….
If you look close enough you’ll find yourself surrounded by multiplication arrays. An array is made up of horizontal rows and vertical columns. It’s a great, visual way to show multiplication as repeated addition or divisions as equal shares. For example, the top array shows two rows and three columns. The equations that represent this array are: 3 + 3; 3 x 2; 6/3. In a multiplication equation, we always say rows first, then columns. If you want to tie…
Here’s a fun game I’ve played with kindergatners and first graders. It’s a twist on the Memory game where two cards are turned over and, if it’s a match, the cards go to that player. The one at the end with most cards is the winner. There are two ways I’ve played it. The first way is to have students match the total number of dots of both cards. The second way is to have students match a numeral card…