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Category: Number and Operations

Celebrate our Base 10 Number System! The 100th Day of School

Celebrate our Base 10 Number System! The 100th Day of School

There’s no better excuse to have kids counting all day than the 100th day of school. Often, teachers have students bring in 100 of something that they sort into groups of 10 (you can also have each student bring in 10 of something and then combine them to make 100). Or maybe it’s a project made with 100 of something. Or making tally marks and skip counting by fives to 100. Whatever you choose, it’s the perfect way to celebrate…

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Beginning Multiplication: Circling Multiples

Beginning Multiplication: Circling Multiples

Here is a super easy activity to do with student who are learning multiplication. I use patterned paper or wrapping paper cut into 8.5 x 11. I place them in sheet protectors and students use wet erase markers to circle groups of a given number. In this example, groups of 4 are being circled. Then students write the equation. An example could be: 4 x 8 = 32. This is a great activity for younger students who are learning to…

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First Graders and Tape Measures

First Graders and Tape Measures

Okay, that was fun! I handed my group of kindergartners and first graders tape measures (the non-metal kind) and told them they could measure whatever they wanted. What a hit! On so many levels. First, I showed them how they could measure how far they jumped. After being stuck inside all day due to rain, this was the perfect way to get them to move around a bit and still sneak in some great math. Once I showed them how…

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Fun and Simple Math Activities that Build Strong Number Sense in our Kids

Fun and Simple Math Activities that Build Strong Number Sense in our Kids

Kids who have strong number sense understand what numbers are, how they relate to each other, and the affects that different operations have on them.  These kids can easily compose and decompose numbers and are able to make reasonable estimates making computation much easier.  In other words, kids with strong number sense are comfortable with numbers. And when kids are comfortable with numbers, math becomes much easier.  The good news is, helping our children develop a strong sense of numbers…

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