Teach Kids to Set Financial Goals – Video
Here’s the next in my Kids and Money video series: Setting Personal Financial Goals
Here’s the next in my Kids and Money video series: Setting Personal Financial Goals
The cell phone bill came in. It was a little higher than usual, not by much, but enough to get me looking for the reason why. I consider the cell phone bill a fixed expense. Technically, it’s not since there is always the possibility that we could go over minutes at which point the charges skyrocket. I know this. Two teenage boys with their first girlfriends and, well, let’s just say they finally understood what I meant by girls can…
Ryan just bought a car. And she’s a beauty, too. 2002 baby blue (uh, metallic blue) Toyota Prius with only 57,000 miles. Owned by a 91-year old grannie who used it mostly to drive to church and back. No kidding. Problem is, Ryan can’t drive it; never mind he doesn’t have his license. He barely has his permit. And taking an online course to get his permit happened after he bought the car. How does a 15-year old with no…
This is the first in a series of Kids and Money Quick Tips videos that I will be putting together. This first one is on getting kids in the habit of saving money.
An interesting article appeared this morning in The Sacramento Bee. Apparently college students can now make bets on their performance in school. Twenty-five bucks says I’ll ace this class. Fifty bucks, I bomb. It’s the genius of two guys, Steven Wolf and Jeremy Gelbart, who point out that, technically, it’s not gambling since students are betting on themselves and not others. It’s really about students, ahem, investing in themselves. So they created Ultrinsic, a site that allows college kids to…