Halloween Bilateral Symmetry Art Project: CCSS 4.G.3
Super simple, and super fun. Great way to introduce bilateral/mirror symmetry. I usually do this with fourth graders but I think third graders could probably do it, too. CCSS: 4.G.3
Super simple, and super fun. Great way to introduce bilateral/mirror symmetry. I usually do this with fourth graders but I think third graders could probably do it, too. CCSS: 4.G.3
Here’s a quick video that shows ways to hang your Nifty Numbers or Math Medley Family Math Night banners if your surface doesn’t accept push pins or string. .
If you look close enough you’ll find yourself surrounded by multiplication arrays. An array is made up of horizontal rows and vertical columns. It’s a great, visual way to show multiplication as repeated addition or divisions as equal shares. For example, the top array shows two rows and three columns. The equations that represent this array are: 3 + 3; 3 x 2; 6/3. In a multiplication equation, we always say rows first, then columns. If you want to tie…
Wouldn’t it be fun to see that banner hanging in front of your school? It would be a great way to remind parents of your Nifty Numbers or Math Medley Family Math Night event. And the banner is FREE. As a special back-to-school offer, we are including the Family Math Night banner with every kit we sell for the entire month of September. We custom-designed the banner to include a dry erase area for you to personalize the date, time,…
I love asking my upper elementary students to draw a curved line using only straight lines that are at least five inches in length. It stumps them. And that’s part of the fun. Because now I get to show them how to do it! This is a super easy lesson and great to keep in their desks to work on when they finish other work. Mounted on black construction paper, these look awesome on a bulletin board. Students use a…