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Tag: family math night

Homework the FUN Way

Homework the FUN Way

Everyone loves to play games. They’re engaging, motivating, and fun. And from an educational perspective, they can be a powerful learning tool. Here’s what games can do:

  • reinforce skills learned in the classroom
  • develop mental math skills
  • encourage strategic thinking
  • foster mathematical communication
  • build confidence
  • engage parents

But one of the best things about games is that they offer meaningful practice in a way where kids actually want to do math. That’s because games, by their very nature, are fun. It’s not too hard to entice a child to play a game. And because of that, games offer important practice in a way that worksheets can’t.

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The Estimation Jars

The Estimation Jars

This year I decided to add the 0-120 number grids to my K-2 estimation jar. The number grids come from our Math Medley kits and kids can use dry eraser markers to “think” as they’re working out their estimation. Of course, there’s the thinking paper and the referents, as well.

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The Power of the Estimation Jar

The Power of the Estimation Jar

We often think of math as the exact-answer subject. But the kind of math that we do most often during the day doesn’t require an exact answer. We use this particular math skill when we need to figure out how much time we need to get ready in the morning. Or whether we have enough gas in the car to get to work. Or whether $50 is enough to cover the items in our shopping cart.

The math skill we use the most is, of course, estimation. And estimating accurately requires a high level of math. That’s because it’s abstract which means we need to tap into our number sense and reasoning skills.

One way to provide our students with opportunities to work on their estimation skills is during computation practice. Instead of diving right in to figure out 15 x 12, have students come up with an estimate…about what the answer will be. In fact, periodically I ask students NOT to determine the exact answer and, instead, have them turn in their work with only their estimates recorded. This is hard for them to do in the beginning because they are so used to working out arithmetic problems, but they soon learn the value in thinking about the problem first.

A fun way to get students to work on their estimating skills is through the estimation jar. I’ve included two of my estimation videos below. The first video describes using the estimation jar in the classroom as a way to develop, not only estimation skills, but place value and number sense, as well.

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New Family Math Night Collaborative Projects: Fish Bowl and Fraction Quilt

New Family Math Night Collaborative Projects: Fish Bowl and Fraction Quilt

In addition to using the 8 stations in our Family Math Night kits, I usually include a ninth station where I set up a Collaborative Project.  I did the soccer ball project at my first event this year but then created two brand new ones that I’m excited to share with you:  Fraction Quilt and Fish Bowl. In Fraction Quilt, participants cut different colored squares into triangles and use those triangles to design their quilt square. Some of the math they’ll discover along the…

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Family Math Night What Do You Notice? Posters

Family Math Night What Do You Notice? Posters

Last night I held my first Family Math Night event.  It was fabulous.  I had 31 student Station Facilitators – the most ever.  And every one of them did an amazing job.  Here’s a photo of them right before we opened the doors.  Can you find the principal in there? But what I really want to share with you are my upcoming What Do You Notice? posters.  You get to see them before anyone else.  Except for the first one…

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