Teaching Fractions Using Money
Learning about fractions, parts of a whole, can be tough for a lot of kids. Finding a variety of ways to teach fractions will give them opportunities to think about and make sense of fractions. Using coins as fractional values of a dollar can be fun way to reinforce fraction concepts.
I included the front and back faces (obverse and reverse) of each coin. If showing two faces for each coin confuses your child/student, just remove one of them.
At the bottom of this photo is a starter list of questions to ask students.
CCSS: 3.NF.1; 3.NF.3; 4.NF.3
Other fraction lessons:
PomPom Fractions: A Commom Core lesson for 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students
Fractions: Multiplying, Dividing, Simplifying, Equivalence
Multiplication of Fractions: What Does it Mean?