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K-6 Video Lessons

Primary Math Lessons

Subitizing: Developing Number Sense
(Grades K-2)

Subitizing is being able to quickly recognize how many objects are in a small set without having to count the objects. Karyn shows how to use dot cards, dice, 10-frames, and dominoes in developing number sense skills so important for success in mathematics.

Developing Number Sense in Preschool and Kindergarten (Grades PreK-K)

A fun project that can be done with preschoolers through first graders that reinforces beginning number concepts.(View PDF)

Developing Number Sense (Grades K-1)

Kids who have a strong sense of numbers are confident in their ability to do math. Discover how simple it is to develop number sense in our primary grade students.(View PDF)

Flower Pots - Reinforcing Math Skills
(Grades PreK-1)

This fun hands-on project is a great way to reinforce counting and develop number sense in preschoolers, kindergartners, and first graders.(View PDF)

3 Ways to Develop Number Sense in Preschoolers/Kindergartners (Grades PreK-K)

Help kids develop a strong foundation in math with these 3 simple activities.

Reinforcing Pattern Through Pattern Frames (Grades PreK-K)

Reinforce patterning with this simple yet creative hands-on project. Makes a perfect Mother's or Father's Day gift!

A Twist on the Estimating Jar (Grades 2-4)

Teachers often use the estimation jar as a way to promote good estimating skills in their students. Throw a little candy in that jar and now you've got students excited and motivated to do math! See how this simple activity promotes great problem solving in students.

Using Rectangular Arrays to Teach Number Concepts (Grades 2-5)

See how simple objects like tiles, stickers, rubber stamps, dice, and graph paper help teach students important concepts in number theory: factors, primes, composites, and square numbers...not to mention the great reinforcement of multiplication facts. (View PDF)

Using Transition Times to Reinforce Multiplication and Division Facts (Grades 2-4)

Transition times in the classroom are a great way to reinforce multiplication and division facts and practice mental math. This video shows how to seamlessly integrate this simple activity into your daily classroom routine.

3 Tips to Practice Addition and Subtraction Facts (Grades K-1)

Three fun and creative ways to use dice to help kindergarteners and first graders practice their addition and subtraction facts.(View PDF)

Intermediate Math Lessons

Designing the Perfect Circle (Grades 4-6)

Move over string and push pins. There's a new way to make circles and it's super cheap. Find out how to get your students designing the perfect circle using a very simple object.

A Twist on the Estimating Jar (Grades 2-4)

Teachers often use the estimation jar as a way to promote good estimating skills in their students. Throw a little candy in that jar and now you've got students excited and motivated to do math! See how this simple activity promotes great problem solving in students.

Using Rectangular Arrays to Teach Number Concepts (Grades 2-5)

See how simple objects like tiles, stickers, rubber stamps, dice, and graph paper help teach students important concepts in number theory: factors, primes, composites, and square numbers...not to mention the great reinforcement of multiplication facts. (View PDF)

Using Transition Times to Reinforce Multiplication and Division Facts (Grades 2-4)

Transition times in the classroom are a great way to reinforce multiplication and division facts and practice mental math. This video shows how to seamlessly integrate this simple activity into your daily classroom routine.

Target Practice - The Area Formula for Circles (Grades 5-6)

Meaningful math with a purpose! This great hands-on lesson gets students doing math while designing targets. And the best part is, their targets are set up and used during the school's fall carnival. (View PDF)

Discovering Pi (Grades 5-6)

Everyone has heard of pi, 3.14. But what is it, exactly? This simple yet powerful lesson gets students to discover a very important relationship.

Registry Recording Game (Grades 4-6)

Play this simple yet fun game to teach students how to record credits and debits into a registry while keeping a running balance.(View PDF)

Super Easy Way to Teach Long Division (Grades 4-5)

See how estimation skills and number sense can teach long division in a way that makes sense.

Easy Strategies to Understand Fractions (Grades 5-6)

Strategies to teach fractions using graph paper and the power of the number 1.

Paper Plate Angles (Grade 4)

A fun and creative way to teach and reinforce angles and angle measurement using paper plates.

The Perfect Box (Grade 5)

A project-based lesson where students take on the role of Senior Designer to use the surface area and volume formulas of rectangular prisms to design the perfect box. (Complete Lesson)

Soda Can Redesign (Grade 6)

A project-based lesson where students redesign the soda can using the same volume as a regular can of soda.(View PDF)