What Do You Notice? Geometry Venn Diagram


Primary students (K-2): shapes, patterns, sorting and classifying

Intermediate students (3-5): classifying polygons, pattern search

Mathematical Background

This Venn Diagram is a little more challenging than the traditional 2-circle Venn Diagram. There are 3 categories students need to be looking for. In our case, the categories are: red shapes, small shapes, and triangles. For the Challenge! question, the small blue triangle would fit in the section with the small yellow triangle since it fits the attributes: small, triangular, non-red.

Sample Student Responses

"There are scalene triangles and isosceles triangles."

" The small blue triangle would go next to the small yellow triangle because, 1) it is a small shape, not large or red, 2) it is a triangle."

"Most shapes are red."

" 5 = triangle; 2 = circle; 1 = hexagon; 1 = rectangle"